Committee Information Update Report


ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵCommittees are required to submit a committee information update report of their activities within one month after each Midwinter Meeting (Deadline: Feb. 28th) and Annual Conference (Deadline: July 31st).

Council Committees are required to submit a report of their activities (3-weeks) prior to the Midwinter Meeting or Annual Conference: Council Committee Report Submission Form.

Listed below are links to the reports from the 2009 ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵMidwinter Meeting through the 2024 ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵMeetings.

2024 Annual Conference
2024 LLX Meeting
2023 Annual Conference
2023 LLX Meeting
2022 Annual Conference
2022 Virtual January Meeting

2017 Annual Conference

2015 Annual Conference
2015 Midwinter Meeting
2014 Annual Conference
2014 Midwinter Meeting
2013 Annual Conference
2013 Midwinter Meeting
2012 Annual Conference
2012 Midwinter Meeting
2011 Annual Conference
2011 Midwinter Meeting
2010 Annual Conference
2010 Midwinter Meeting
2009 Annual Conference
2009 Midwinter Meeting